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Various People Quotes

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Various People quote #2

You're talking to someone who has been married to various people for the last 40 years of her life. Dating is not really something familiar. I've never really been a dater.

Tags: Dating, Life, Someone  ✍ Author: Stockard Channing

I'm intrigued by films that have a singular vision behind them. A lot of studio movies have ten writers by the time they're done. You have a movie testing 200 times, making adjustments according to various people's opinions. It's difficult to have an undistilled vision.

Tags: Done, Movies, Time  ✍ Author: Carla Gugino

I personally felt that his ad hominen attacks on British architects were not the sort of thing a Prince of Wales should be doing because, apart from anything else, they put various people out of business.

Tags: Business, Else, Put  ✍ Author: Anthony Holden

From the moment I went to Hollywood for the first time, I was accused by various people of selling out. So I feel I've done my sell-out films already. I've sold everything! I've sold every piece of soul I ever had!

Tags: Done, Soul, Time  ✍ Author: Beeban Kidron

What I love the most about modeling is that it opens you a lot of different doors of opportunities and takes you to many different places, which then put you in touch with various people and cultures.

Tags: Love, Put, Touch  ✍ Author: Karolina Kurkova

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