Walt Disney Quotes
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I blame it on Walt Disney, where animals are given human qualities. People don't understand that a wild animal is not something that is nice to pat. It can seriously harm you.
Tags: Blame, Human, Nice ✍ Author: James CameronAlways like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. Walt Disney Every decision you make is a mistake.
Tags: Decision, Enough, Life ✍ Author: Edward DahlbergI'm privileged and grateful to lead The Walt Disney Company and our talented, dedicated team at this exciting time.
Tags: Grateful, Team, Time ✍ Author: Bob IgerWe really believe that Walt Disney is a very able company with great depth and a great set of franchises.
Tags: Able, Company, Great ✍ Author: Robert IgerWalt Disney was not a merchant of sadness.
Tags: Disney, Merchant, Sadness ✍ Author: James MacArthur