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Washing Machine Quotes

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Washing Machine quote #1
Washing Machine quote #2

If you or me go to the gas station to fill up our car and it costs us much more than we expected, it will zap our discretionary income. We won't have the extra money to buy that washing machine or new winter coat-all big ticket items that are important to economic growth.

Tags: Big, Car, Money  ✍ Author: Maria Bartiromo

Often, when you see yourself on the screen, you feel like a sweater that's been put through the washing machine. You have the impression of having done something full and luminous, and suddenly, when you see it on the screen, it's turned back into a tiny little thing.

Tags: Done, Put, Yourself  ✍ Author: Emmanuelle Beart

But there's so much kludge, so much terrible stuff, we are at the 1908 Hurley washing machine stage with the Internet. That's where we are. We don't get our hair caught in it, but that's the level of primitiveness of where we are. We're in 1908.

Tags: Hair, Stage, Stuff  ✍ Author: Jeff Bezos

By liberating women from household work and helping to abolish professions such as domestic service, the washing machine and other household goods completely revolutionised the structure of society.

Tags: Society, Women, Work  ✍ Author: Ha-Joon Chang

Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine.

Tags: Cycle, Machine, Normal  ✍ Author: Whoopi Goldberg

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Washing Machine quote #2
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Washing Machine quote #2
Washing Machine quote #2
Washing Machine quote #2
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