Web Quotes
I ordered a Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could I not? There were banner ads for it all over the Web. Whenever I went to the Amazon Web site, I was urged to buy one.
Tags: Buy, Whenever ✍ Author: Nicholson BakerA wisp of gossamer, about the size and substance of a spider's web.
Tags: Size, Substance ✍ Author: James Mark BaldwinAt one point, CERN was toying with patenting the World Wide Web.
Tags: Point, Wide ✍ Author: Robert CailliauI'm kind of glad the web is sort of totally anarchic. That's fine with me.
Tags: Fine, Glad ✍ Author: Roger EbertPaper is a uniquely beautiful format, more so than the web, I think: you need to invest in the aesthetics.
Tags: Beautiful, Paper ✍ Author: Dave EggersAjax is an important development for Web applications, and its importance is only going to grow.
Tags: Grow, Importance ✍ Author: Brad GarrettWe must recognize that we're all part of a web of life around the world. Anytime you extinguish a species, the consequences are serious.
Tags: Life, Serious ✍ Author: Gaylord NelsonYou know, when people want to get any information, research information, it will all exist on these Web sites.
Tags: Exist, Research ✍ Author: Brian De PalmaOn the Web no subject is sacrosanct. No one, from icon to unknown, is off-limits.
Tags: Subject, Unknown ✍ Author: Willow BayI was involved in a web cartoon of Kung Fu with WB a few years back.
Tags: Few, Involved ✍ Author: David CarradinePart of Stripe's vision is linking people better on the web.
Tags: Linking, Vision ✍ Author: William CollinsA newspaper is the center of a community, it's one of the tent poles of the community, and that's not going to be replaced by Web sites and blogs.
Tags: Community, Newspaper ✍ Author: Michael ConnellyI'm on the Web a lot. I like to play games online. Sometimes I play Sims.
Tags: Games, Sometimes ✍ Author: Miranda CosgrovePeople enter Web sites hoping to be led somewhere, hoping for a payoff.
Tags: Hoping, Somewhere ✍ Author: Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiJonah Peretti is one of the smartest web publishers out there. And Buzzfeed is an aggressive and dynamic company.
Tags: Aggressive, Company ✍ Author: Nick DentonThe next wave of the Web is going to be user-generated content.
Tags: Content, Next ✍ Author: John DoerrWhat we did not imagine was a Web of people, but a Web of documents.
Tags: Computers, Imagine ✍ Author: Julie DoucetI don't necessarily think anything on a Web site can have a result.
Tags: Result, Site ✍ Author: Matt DrudgeVisit partners pages
The technological breakthrough of the World Wide Web has been enormously beneficial to society.
Tags: Society, Wide ✍ Author: Mike FitzpatrickIf I were to write Web now, it would be a much, much darker book.
Tags: Book, Write ✍ Author: John M. FordIn my mind, there are too many copycat web products out there that are doing the same thing.
Tags: Mind, Products ✍ Author: Daymond JohnIt's interesting that people throughout the existence of the web have been concerned about monopolies.
Tags: Concerned, Existence ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeMost larger companies now see that for the market to grow, Web infrastructure must be royalty-free.
Tags: Grow, Market ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeThat idea of URL was the basic clue to the universality of the Web. That was the only thing I insisted upon.
Tags: Basic, Idea ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeThe Domain Name Server (DNS) is the Achilles heel of the Web. The important thing is that it's managed responsibly.
Tags: Achilles, Name ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeThe important thing is the diversity available on the Web.
Tags: Available, Diversity ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeWeb pages are designed for people. For the Semantic Web, we need to look at existing databases.
Tags: Databases, Existing ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeWhen something is such a creative medium as the web, the limits to it are our imagination.
Tags: Creative, Limits ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeIn '93 to '94, every browser had its own flavor of HTML. So it was very difficult to know what you could put in a Web page and reliably have most of your readership see it.
Tags: Difficult, Put ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeThe Mobile Web Initiative is important - information must be made seamlessly available on any device.
Tags: Available, Initiative ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeePhysicists analyze systems. Web scientists, however, can create the systems.
Tags: Create, However ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeCompared even to the development of the phone or TV, the Web developed very quickly.
Tags: Phone, Tv ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeIf you are not on the web, you will have problems accessing services.
Tags: Problems, Services ✍ Author: Tim Berners-LeeThis is your silly web browser doing that. The file is correctly named.
Tags: Browser, Silly ✍ Author: Rasmus LerdorfFacebook is so ubiquitous now that it's like another manifestation of the web itself.
Tags: Another, Facebook ✍ Author: Max LevchinFor many people, Google is the most important tool on the Web.
Tags: Google, Tool ✍ Author: Marissa MayerHis ambition is to be the spider in the World Wide Web.
Tags: Ambition, Wide ✍ Author: Jenny McCarthyI've always thought that gaming and YouTube and the web is a very post-punk extravaganza.
Tags: Gaming, Thought ✍ Author: Malcolm MclarenThe target market is for people who have not been entrenched in Web culture.
Tags: Culture, Market ✍ Author: John PatrickI don't let myself 'surf' on the Web, or I would probably drown.
Tags: Drown, Surf ✍ Author: Aubrey PlazaThe world wide web has really been quite spectacular and not something I would have predicted.
Tags: Quite, Wide ✍ Author: Jon PostelA Web site is the only medium of semipermanent communication where you can express yourself.
Tags: Express, Yourself ✍ Author: Greg RusedskiFacebook has focused on the conversation, but not really on absorbing the Web into its walled garden.
Tags: Focused, Garden ✍ Author: Greg RusedskiO, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!
Tags: Deceive, Weave ✍ Author: Walter ScottIf you don't have an E-mail address, you're in the Netherworld. If you don't have your own World Wide Web page, you're a nobody.
Tags: Nobody, Wide ✍ Author: Leopold StokowskiWell Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications.
Tags: Interact, Users ✍ Author: John W. ThompsonFacebook is not an unstoppable juggernaut. There are a lot of other things people can do on the web.
Tags: Facebook ✍ Author: Fred Wilson