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Woodwork Quotes

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Woodwork quote #1
Woodwork quote #2

When you try to find funding for a VVA function, it doesn't seem like it's any trouble at all. People come out of the woodwork with their money to help out because we went over and fought a war.

Tags: Help, Money, War  ✍ Author: R. Lee Ermey

If I had more time, I'd watch more woodworking or home-improvement shows, but, not enough hours in the day.

Tags: Enough, Time, Watch  ✍ Author: Nick Offerman

I paid my way through college as a carpenter and a woodworker. So I've built the house I live in and most of the furniture that's in it, and I do a lot of woodworking still.

Tags: College, House, Paid  ✍ Author: Misha Collins

Woodworking requires a completely different kind of thinking and problem-solving ability than writing. With writing, you take a set of facts and ideas, and you reason your way forward to a story that pulls them together. With woodworking, you start with an end product in mind, and reason your way backward to the raw wood.

Tags: End, Forward, Mind  ✍ Author: Joshua Foer

But with woodworking, it's really sort of gratifying to be able to have an actual piece to touch, and then step back and be able to share it.

Tags: Able, Step, Touch  ✍ Author: Luke Kirby

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