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Working Person Quotes

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Working Person quote #1
Working Person quote #2

Generally, I'm a pretty positive, but like any other working person, if the jobs aren't coming in, I do get depressed.

Tags: Positive, Pretty, Working  ✍ Author: Britt Ekland

I have a reputation for being the hardest working person in Congress.

Tags: Congress, Reputation, Working  ✍ Author: Shelley Berkley

I much prefer the company of the crew, the sort of 'blue-collar working person.' I much more have that sensibility than what the public perceives as what a typical actor would have.

Tags: Actor, Public, Working  ✍ Author: Michael Cudlitz

I would like to say I've achieved goals, but really, modeling is all luck. You're not really achieving anything. The least hardworking person with a special face can be huge and have a whole world of success.

Tags: Special, Success, Whole  ✍ Author: Brooklyn Decker

I make these little films. I'm just a working person. I just study people a little bit more. It's more sociological, and it's funny anyway - not that serious. It's not like false humility. I just take it for what it is.

Tags: Funny, Humility, Working  ✍ Author: Julie Delpy

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Working Person quote #2
Working Person quote #2
Working Person quote #2
Working Person quote #2
Working Person quote #2
Working Person quote #2
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