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Destroying Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Destroying". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
Destroying quote #1
Destroying quote #2
Destroying quote #3
Destroying quote #4

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?

Tags: Friends, Friendship  ✍ Author: Abraham Lincoln

Today, the tide has turned, we are destroying them.

Tags: Tide, Today  ✍ Author: Sylvia Ashton-Warner

We butchered the force present at the airport, we are destroying them.

Tags: Force, Present  ✍ Author: Sylvia Ashton-Warner

Never interrupt your opponent when he's destroying himself.

Tags: Himself, Opponent  ✍ Author: Paul Begala

It wasn't so much destroying my dancing, it was destroying me.

Tags: Dancing  ✍ Author: Tracey Emin

As species are exterminated by shifting climate zones, ecosystems can collapse, destroying more species.

Tags: Climate, Shifting  ✍ Author: James Hansen

Aquatic invasive species are destroying the environment, damaging fisheries, and costing American taxpayers billions of dollars annually.

Tags: American, Dollars  ✍ Author: John M. McHugh

You can grow without destroying the things that you love.

Tags: Grow, Love  ✍ Author: Ed McMahon

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Destroying quote #4
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