Teens Quotes
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I built two forges when I was in my teens. I was just really, really into metalworking and making stuff.
Tags: Making, Stuff ✍ Author: Christopher PaoliniWe do stigmatise teens a lot and see them as scary and alien.
Tags: Alien, Scary ✍ Author: J. K. RowlingThere are now more teens going into treatment for marijuana dependency than for all other drugs combined.
Tags: Dependency, Treatment ✍ Author: John WaltersI was having my teens in my 30s.
✍ Author: Julie WaltersTeens in the '90s had the same basic desires as they do now.
Tags: Basic, Desires ✍ Author: Jay AsherTeens find out a lot from other teens.
✍ Author: Mike ConawayWe teach teens what we think they ought to know, and we never tell them what they want to know.
Tags: Teach, Tell ✍ Author: Donald JohansonThe only place I'm recognized is at the mall, because that's where the teens are.
Tags: Place, Recognized ✍ Author: Amy LeeMaybe something that's acceptable in your teens or 20s is unacceptable in your 30s or 40s.
Tags: Acceptable, Maybe ✍ Author: Eva Mendes